Classic diet number 6 for gout: sixth table of the seven-day menu

fruit salad for gout

Gout is one of those conditions that can never be cured without diet. If the patient really wants to overcome his illness, he will have to stick to some restrictions in his usual diet for the rest of his life.

The cause of pain and swelling in gout is the high content of uric acid and purines in the body. They enter the body along with food. By correctly compiling the menu of a patient suffering from gout, it is possible to significantly reduce the intake of purines and, at the same time, accelerate the removal of joints already deposited in the tissues.

Doctors have long been studying such a question as the influence of food on the dynamics and treatment of gout, and have developed a special menu - this is the so-called diet number 6 for gout.

Classic diet for gout - basic principles

The table of a patient with gout should be varied, rich in vitamins and minerals, but at the same time low in calories, with a minimum of fat and carbohydrates. The following basic rules are followed:

  1. A minimum of protein products: meat of any kind, liver.
  2. In limited quantities, refractory fats.
  3. Total rejection of products containing oxalic acid.
  4. Switch to vegetable oils, in extreme cases, to ghee.
  5. An absolute taboo in meat, fish and mushroom broths.
  6. The exclusion of salt, the better completely, the amount allowed per day is no more than 8 grams.
  7. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day, rich in alkalis.

Many patients can be scared and alarmed by such a list, and so what does the chart of an arthritic patient include? The gout diet is really tough, but effective, and there is enough food left to make a healthy and varied menu for gout. Also, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet during periods of exacerbation.

If the gout is calm for a long time, some exceptions can be made. For example, proteins enter the body mainly from meat by-products and meat products: any meat, offal, lard, as well as fatty eggs and fish. During an attack, this food is forbidden. But during the remission period, the table can be varied twice a week with a plate of lean meat or eggs.

What kind of meat and fish to choose? The menu 1-2 times a week may include:

  • Rabbit or turkey meat without skin;
  • Lean meat (not veal)
  • Sprat, walleye, cod.

Naturally, these products must be boiled or stewed, baked on the grill or in the oven, but in no case should they be fried in oil and sprinkled with salt and spices. Also, do not serve legumes on the table of a person suffering from gout: beans, peas, asparagus, lentils.

All vegetables are allowed except tomatoes, sorrel, spinach, and cauliflower. The menu can include any porridge, except oatmeal; It cannot be consumed more than once a week, but it is better to replace it with another. For dairy products, the taboo is imposed on:

  1. Spicy and salty cheeses;
  2. Hard and fatty cheeses;
  3. Whole milk.

It is better to serve low-fat fermented dairy products on the table: kefir, yogurt, yogurt.

The menu should be categorically free of pickles or marinades, including home-made preserves, smoked meats, preserves, canned foods and sausages, caffeinated products, soda and alcohol.

As a dessert, various jellies, dried fruits, honey, nuts, fresh fruits and berries (with the exception of figs and raspberries) can be served on the table. All cakes, pastries, sweets, jams and preserves are excluded from the menu. Allowed drinks: soft tea, rosehip broth, herbal teas, compotes, fruit drinks.

If we talk about nutritional value, the daily table of a gouty patient assumes the use of fats not more than 90 grams, proteins - not more than 80 grams, carbohydrates - 450 grams, of which sugar is not more than 80 grams. The total number of calories consumed per day should not exceed 2, 700.

Sample menu for gout patients

The diet should consist of the following foods:

  1. Bakery products: every day, in minimal quantities (a few slices).
  2. Soups: every day, but not in meat, fish or mushroom broth.
  3. Low-fat meat and fish: 1-2 times per week during remission.
  4. Fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs: unlimited, except for legumes.
  5. Fermented dairy products: unlimited, low in fat.

At the same time, white bread is excluded, preference is given to whole-grain cakes, rye bread with bran. You can add any cereal to soups, oatmeal, with limitation. But you need to cook them in water. If gelatins and milk-based desserts are being prepared, they should be diluted with water.

Of the fruits, only citrus fruits should be taken with caution, which often cause allergic reactions. Apples and dairy products are very useful - this combination perfectly cleanses the body of toxins.

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids each day. An hour before a meal, it is recommended to drink a glass of pure mineral water with alkalis. Another good tip is that the food should not be too hot, but not too cold either. It is better to eat fractionally, up to 5 times a day.

If you adhere to this menu, you can normalize metabolic processes in the body, reduce the formation of purines, and accelerate their excretion from the body.

Sample menu

This is only an approximate selection of dishes and products, which the doctor adjusts based on the physiological characteristics of the patient and his lifestyle.

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with fruits or vegetable salad with sour cream, rye bread, tea.
  • Second breakfast: any oatmeal, soft-boiled egg, juice, or jelly;
  • Lunch: vegetarian or dairy soup, stewed potatoes with meat, sauerkraut, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: any fresh fruit or vegetable, kefir.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese or vegetable casserole, kefir, jelly.

Between meals, you need to drink a decoction of wild rose, wheat bran, herbal teas.